Chernobyl computer virus

Many of you old people have probably heard of the Chernobyl computer virus. It was also known as CIH and sometimes Spacefiller.

This is a scary computer virus because it is one of the few viruses that can actually destroy your entire computer.

It was made by a guy in Taiwan as a "Fuck you" message to John McAfee, that guy who made antivirus software. Basically the guy from Taiwan was like "I'm smarter than you lol, check this out" so he made this computer virus. He did a good job, too, because it scared a lot of people.

If you know anything about Chernobyl (the place in Ukraine) then you probably know about the nuclear powerplant meltdown disaster that happened there. Basically one of the 4 reactor cores exploded and made Chernobyl famous, so if you haven't heard of it then you should get yourself checked for radiation.

Anyway, the disaster is one of the reasons why this virus is named after this place. It only affects computer processors (CPUs) that have 4 cores (they are called quad-core processors). When the virus activates, it makes Core 4 explode and meltdown inside your computer, but unlike the real Chernobyl it wont make your computer famous, so please don't get any ideas.

The computer virus spreads by attacking your computer files. When you give one of your computer files (or if an idiot hacker steals it) then the computer they open the file on will become infected. When your computer is infected it sets your internet homepage to "Ask Jeeves" and your computer becomes at risk of Core 4 exploding.

If you have very good cooling in your computer then it might be safe to load the virus occasionally but I wouldn't do it too often just in case.

I have given this computer virus a scary rating of 8 out of 10.