The Haunted Kettle There is an apartment in the Barnes area of London (England) that is haunted by a ghost. But this ghost isn't really interested in haunting people so much as haunting electrical appliances. One of its favorite things to do was to unplug the television from the wall outlet. This was really annoying because this power outlet was behind a bookcase and the only person living in the apartment was a young lady that didn't have the strength to move it (we will call her Mandy). So when she wanted to watch TV after work, sometimes Mandy would have to go knock on her neighbor's door to get them to help her move the bookcase and plug the TV back in. This also meant that sometimes she also missed her dumb favorite television shows which made her angry. One day she yelled out to the ghost and said "STOP UNPLUGGING THE TV, IT'S REALLY ANNOYING YOU STUPID IDIOT!". Interestingly, the television was never mysteriously unplugged again because the ghost turned its attention onto something else instead: The Kettle. This kettle was electric (which means that you have to plug it into a wall outlet). Sometimes, in the middle of the night, the ghost would switch the kettle on for no reason at all. Mandy also found this annoying because her power bills went up in cost (and the ghost didnt pay a cent) but also at the same time it usually meant that she could easily make hot coffee in the mornings before work. I know this isn't exactly a scary story, but what did you expect? We're talking about a fucking electric kettle here. If I had a ghost like this in my house then I'd show it off to my friends and ask it to boil water if I wanted to make coffee or ramen and stuff. As far as haunted appliances go, this one isn't too bad really when you think about it. I have given the haunted kettle a scary rating of 2 out of 10. This is an electric kettle (not the actual haunted one though) |